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Writer's pictureBill Fetter

How to Create Custom List Views for the Email Content Object of the Lightning Email Builder

This article pertains to the Account Engagement Lightning Email Builder, and the associated Email Content tab in the Account Engagement App in Salesforce-- just to be perfectly clear what we are referring to!!

The List View Menu in Email Content
The List View Menu in Email Content

Specifically, why does this object not behave like any other list view in Salesforce and allow you to create custom list views? The only out of the box list views you can select are "All" and "Recently Viewed". If you send any volume of emails at all, or have emails activated for automation, these lists can get extremely long. And the three (!) fields in the list view aren't terribly helpful for sorting either. It's only the name of the template, the alias for who last edited it, and the name of the email content. That's it. Not easy to figure out how to find what you're looking for, it it? It a mystery why it was not seen fit to include this basic functionality when this was released, and why it continues to be missing, but fortunately there's a workaround.

How do we make a list view if the menu on the list view page doesn't allow it?

We have to go back to our old friend Salesforce Classic. In case you can't remember how to to get here, click your profile image in the upper right and select Switch to Salesforce Classic from the bottom of the menu.

The trick here is that since Classic didn't have pop-up windows for the interface, every page had a usable address, including creating and modifying list views.

Once we are in Classic, we can then "make" a list view edit page link for Email Content even though you won't find Email Content among the viewable tabs in classic. Format your link like this:


And voila! You will get a page that allows you to create a custom list view for Email Content.

This allows you to create as many filters as you like, filtered by things like who created it, the template used, relative created date (this month, this year, etc.). Important note: one thing I found here was the "my Email Content" option doesn't filter to things you created, it just shows everything, because this type of record has no owner. So all these custom list views should just have custom filters using "All Email Content".

But the excitement doesn't stop there, because look what else you get: the ability to pick what fields to show!

So, for instance, you could create a list view with all the deliverability fields included for a quick comparative view of email sends from this week or this month, or a comparison of sends from a specific template over time.

I've always said that we need to think about list views as an alternative form of reporting, this is a great example of this capability.

Once you've created your new list views, switch back to lightning and you'll find that they now appear in your list view dropdown! Awesome!

It gets even better

Once you've create a couple of custom list views in classic, you now have access on those list views to the full menu on the Lightning List View controls, allowing you to change filters, clone, adjust sharing, rename and select your fields to display.

So really, you only have to go through this exercise in Classic once because you can clone and modify a custom list view once you have at least one to work from.

And that's it. If you'd like to vote on the idea for being able to do this without a workaround, vote on the IdeaExchange item here.

You might also notice a comment from Christian Fritz briefly mentioning this workaround, which is where the blog post idea came from. Thank you Christian!

*As of April 2022, Pardot has been renamed Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, as part of Salesforce's effort to organize all the marketing products under the same platform umbrella. "MCAE" is simply the same Pardot we know and love under a new name. The product is temporarily being referred to as "Marketing Cloud Account Engagement powered by Pardot."   

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St. Charles, IL

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